From Reception, we teach cursive handwriting joins alongside print. Children are shown how to do this in class and then can repeat at home within our home learning time.
A copy of the style can be found here.
If you would like to further practice handwriting with your child, please refer to specific class pages and home learning.
Spelling Lists
From Year 1 and above, each week, children take part in a ‘spelling check’. This is designed to assess the phonics and spelling knowledge that children are secure in and what they need to consolidate further. The spellings are practised in the phonics and spelling sessions in class and in Key Stage 1 are usually linked to the sound they are learning whereas in KS2 they are linked to the spelling rule they are studying. All children then are tested on spellings to identify strengths and weaknesses.
Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation (SPAG)
In line with the new curriculum, all children in our school are taught aspects of grammar, introducing terms such as noun, verb, letters, phonemes, adjectives, adverbs etc. These are taught in a fun way and alongside our English units as well as discrete daily SPAG lessons, so that children make meaningful links as well as preparing them for their English journey. In Year 2 and Year 6 children will sit a SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) test to assess their knowledge and understanding, therefore we build in opportunities for children to practice these skills in our assessment weeks.