Mental Health & Wellbeing
At Orleans Primary
At Orleans Primary School we are committed to supporting pupils’ wellbeing and ensuring the welfare of each child is paramount.
We aim to promote positive mental health for every member of our pupils, staff and wider community and aim to recognise and respond to mental ill health.
Developing the children’s emotional wellbeing permeates our curriculum and underpins our core values as a school. We promote explicit teaching of emotional wellbeing and mental health with reference to UNICEF and the Rights Respecting School agenda and in PSHE, PE and Science curriculum lessons.
As a school we recognise the importance of children’s mental health and wellbeing and provide targeted support for individuals who may require additional support in order to reach their full potential.
At Orleans, we work in partnership with parents and the whole school community to support and promote a child’s wellbeing.
Specific staff training designated to children’s mental health and wellbeing has been an important focus at Orleans over the past 5 years and our staff are confident and committed to supporting our pupils on their mental health journey.
We are also an attachment aware school and are currently part of Achieving for Children's Attachment Aware School Award. Throughout the year 2020-21 the school was part of a CPD project training all staff in attachment aware and trauma informed approaches.
Our commitment to mental health and wellbeing ensures that our staff team are well qualified and trained to support our children. This includes annual Safeguarding training, PATHs curriculum training for Early Years and KS1 teachers and restraint training for designated staff.
We have a team at Orleans dedicated to emotional wellbeing and pastoral care. This includes:
Mental Health Senior Leaders: Miss du Parcq (Headteacher and DDSL), Ms. Johnson (SENCo), Mrs Jones (Acting Deputy Head and DSL) and Miss Connolly (Deputy DSL).
Dedicated Pastoral Lead: Lorna Barks (ELSA)
Dedicated Governor Link: Mrs Alex Axiom (Chair of Governors)
Wellbeing in Relation to Covid:19
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Keeping children safe from abuse and harm
Advice from the government for parents and carers about the main risks children may be particularly vulnerable to at this time and information about available help and support.
Information for those who are experiencing domestic abuse
Kingston and Richmond child friendly ‘Keeping You Safe’ newsletter
Achieving for Children (AfC) is a community interest company created by the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames and the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames to provide their children's services.
If you are a parent, carer or young person looking for information on activities, events or services in Kingston and Richmond, you will find it on this website.
Children’s Centres
Children's centres are places where all families with children under five, and expectant mothers and fathers, can go to help their children to get the best start in life. The facilities and activities are designed for young children and their families.
All children's centres will offer informal support for parents and a place for your child to play and learn.
Children's centres work with a wide range of partners to ensure that they can help families in whatever area they need.
Services in children's centres include:
• child and family health services
• information for families and carers
• early education and information about childcare
• support for children with special needs
• outreach and support to families in need
• adult education classes with crèche facilities
• helping parents find training and employment
Richmond Young Carers
Richmond Carers Centre provides a wide range of services for unpaid adults and young carers. Young Carers are currently running bespoke services for adult carers over the age of 18 and young carers aged 5-18 years. Richmond Carers Centre recognises the particular challenges faced by Young Adult Carers between the ages of 18 and 25 years. Young adult carers are supported by the Adult Carer Support Team, who can tailor support to suit the caring situation and surrounding circumstances.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) is used as a term for all services that work with children and young people who have difficulties with their emotional or behavioural wellbeing.
Information on these services can be found at:
Off The Record Twickenham (OTR) is a registered charity providing the only drop-in counselling, information and sexual health service for young people aged 11–24 who live, work or study in the Borough of Richmond Upon Thames. Off the Record provide help early when it is most needed. The team help improve the emotional and mental well-being of over 1,500 young people a year at a time when they are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety.
Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
MindEd is intended to support parents and those caring for children and young people in their family when they are concerned about a young person’s mental health or well-being. They also provide support for older people and their families when they are concerned about mental health and well-being, either their own or other family members.
Refuge IDVA and Outreach Service for residents in the Borough
020 8943 8188
Provides practical, emotional and advocacy support to female and male victims of domestic abuse. They offer expert guidance and support for victims going through civil and criminal courts and can provide advice on safety, housing, benefits and child contact arrangements.
Refuge also runs One Stop Shop, a weekly drop-in for victims of domestic abuse in Richmond upon Thames. The service offers free information, legal advice, and support for people experiencing domestic violence and abuse.
Offers free and confidential specialist emotional support for women and girls who have experienced recent or historic sexual violence and abuse. Also signpost to sources of advice about the legal, housing, medical and benefits systems.
Telephone: 080 8801 0327
A free confidential helpline for any man experiencing domestic violence and abuse from a partner, ex-partner or other family member.
School Nurse Contact Details
Charlie Pratten is the named school nurse for our school and holds confidential drop-in sessions at school on selected dates. You can ask the school nurse anything. If she cannot help you she will try to find someone who can.
You can pre-book an appointment by contacting the School Nursing Team, or you can drop in on the day. Charlie welcomes all Parents and Carers to attend, if you cannot attend in person but would like a telephone consultation please call her on the number listed below.
Team Contact: 07984573620
Or Email