Orleans Primary School is fully committed to meeting the needs of all the children who live in our local area. We are proud to be an inclusive and nurturing school that is fully prepared to offer the highest quality provision for all. This includes those children who have an Educational Health Care Plan. We currently have 9 pupils in the main school (including nursery) with an EHC plan. This represents 1.9% of our pupils’ population – which is below the national average. We feel that it is beneficial for children to grow up understanding that we are not all the same and learn to respect difference and diversity.
We also have 34 children on our Special Educational Needs Register, which represents 7% of our pupils' population. Those on the register are supported by having a termly Learning Support Action Plan (LSAP) that contains targets for improvement and the strategies that will be put in place to achieve these targets (including interventions).
The register is updated regularly by the SENCO. Support strategies are put in place to help children make progress and if necessary children are removed from the register and continued to be monitored by the Inclusion Manager.
Despite this additional support, some children continue to find learning very hard and their progress is limited. In these circumstances, the school requests advice from other professionals. Advice may be sought from an Educational Psychologist; a Speech and Language Therapist; an occupational therapist or a Physiotherapist.
Admission Arrangements
The school’s Governing Body is committed to an inclusive Admissions Policy. We are also sympathetic to requests to admit SEN pupils with an EHC plan. We are, however, mindful of the capacity within the school to meet the needs of a very large number of pupils with complex needs. The financial costs and management time costs incurred result in us having to judge whether the admission of another pupil with complex Special Educational Needs is compatible with the provision of efficient education for other pupils. Admission requests are therefore considered on an individual basis.
We have an:
* Access Plan and this ensures that the needs of physical disabilities are not discriminated against, but instead given every advantage to access all parts of the school site.
* We have prepared a report for parents and carers providing Special Educational Needs and Disability Information report along with our SEN Policy.
* The Local Offer lets parents and young people know what special educational needs and disabilities services are available in Richmond and Kingston, and who can access them.
All which can be found at the bottom of this page.
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Alex Jones. She can be contacted through the school office on telephone number: (020) 8942 1654 or by email: senco@orleans.richmond.sch.uk