At Orleans Primary School we are very proud of our relationship with the families who attend our school. Our aim is for every child to feel secure, safe and happy during their time at Orleans, so that ultimately they reach their full potential.
We see parental involvement as a vital factor in our school, please speak to the class teacher if you wish to come in and help. All parent helpers working along with children require a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check if they are going to consistently help in the school. Please check with the school office for more details.
We have an open-door policy at Orleans and are very open to listening to parent views. Each year we carry out a Parent Survey and use the feedback to help us plan for the school's future needs, and each term we hold Parent Consultations and Open Mornings. If you have a particular concern, please initially speak to your child's class teacher and if your concerns continue, please speak to either the Deputy Headteacher or the Headteacher via the school office on 0208 892 1654.
Communication with parents is very important, and there are noticeboards outside each classroom displaying up-to-date information about school and class activities. Each week our newsletter is sent by email outlining forthcoming events and celebrating our school achievements. Please check we have your correct email address, or download newsletters from the News and Events section of this website. The Headteacher also sends home a termly report letter to parents summarising the major events which have taken place over the term. Various open evenings and curriculum evenings are also held throughout the year, so please see the School Calendar for details.
Our thriving PTA (OPPTA) organise and support money-raising evenings, children’s occasions and social events and welcome your involvement. You can contact them at orleanspta@gmail.com.
We have listed alphabetically in the menu of this page all the useful topics of information which parents/carers at Orleans Primary may require.
If you need any further information, please contact the school office on 0208 892 1654.