Orleans Primary School Foundation (OPSF)
The Orleans Primary School Foundation provides parents and others an opportunity to support teaching and learning where state funding is insufficient to meet needs. Assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the school, we aim to ensure the best environment for our children’s learning.
We appreciate that parents already contribute generously, and we are lucky to have OPPTA (our Parent Teacher Association) and such a supportive community working hard to raise funds. This will remain vital to the school’s success. However, with real-term reductions in per-pupil funding we feel a more formal way of addressing the current financial challenge is appropriate, giving parents and others an opportunity to support teaching and learning where state funding is insufficient.
How you can help
Monthly giving: Setting up a monthly donation allows us to have a regular and guaranteed source of income which we can use to plan confidently for the year ahead. We have a couple suggested donation levels:
- £10 per month (which equates to £40 term, or £120 per year) or
- £25 per month (which equates to £100 term, or £300 per year.)
Of course, we will very gladly accept any donation level you feel you can make.
One-time donations: Single or yearly gifts to the fund are also gratefully received.
Both monthly and single donations can be made online via our giving website. Please visit: www.justgiving.com/opsf or if you would like to make a donation with 100% of the funds going directly to school, you can donate here: https://checkout.justgiving.com/a5vlsqn49t.
We are registered with HMRC as a charitable trust and can also accept corporate matching. Please email opsf.tw1@gmail.com for more information.
It is important to note that all contributions are completely confidential and voluntary and that parents are under no obligation to participate.