Reading and writing are fundamental life skills where the ability to speak, listen, read and write for a wide range of purposes is developed. Children are enabled to express themselves creatively and imaginatively as they become enthusiastic and critical readers and writers of stories, poetry, non-fiction and media texts. Children gain an understanding of how language works by looking at patterns, structures and origins and use their knowledge, skills and understanding in speaking, reading and writing across a range of different contexts. For information on how we teach Reading at Orleans Primary School, please visit the Reading section of the website.
Orleans Primary School is a Power of Reading school. The Power of Reading is an approach to teaching literacy formulated by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (a charity working with all those involved in teaching literacy in primary schools). The CLPE puts research at the centre of the Power of Reading and places emphasis on teaching literacy through using high quality texts and creative teaching approaches (such as art and drama). This approach aims to raise the literacy achievement of children by putting quality children’s literature at the heart of all learning. It enables children to deepen their understanding of texts, provides a meaningful context for writing and adds to their cultural capital.
Read Write Inc (RWI) Spelling is a systematic spelling programme that is delivered to years 2-6, following on from RWI Phonics which is delivered in Reception and Year 1. The RWI Spelling programme is based on the understanding that we have a sound-based writing system. Everyone uses the same 44 sounds to speak all the words, but the way we write down the sounds varies. The process of learning to spell is cumulative for most children; most need explicit systematic teaching that is continuously practised and reinforced, until spelling knowledge is committed to long-term memory. Weekly teaching of spellings will follow this pattern:
The correct use of grammar is important because it is the main feature within both our spoken and written communication. Correct grammar is important because it allows us to have our communication accurately conveyed. It is essential for writing, increases the credibility of it and boosts the confidence of the writer. In Orleans Primary School we use Planpanion resources in order to deliver our grammar lessons. The lessons are mapped out across the academic year, ensuring flexibility and allowing for consolidation where needed. The lessons follow the same format throughout the school (a PowerPoint presentation followed by fluency and reasoning questions for the children to complete). The grammar taught through Year 1-6 is progressive and links to the statutory requirements of the national curriculum.
The ability for children to write legibly is essential in order for them to demonstrate their true potential throughout their school careers (and their lives beyond school) as well as ensuring that they have the ability to communicate effectively using writing. At Orleans Primary School, we follow the Nelson Handwriting scheme which encourages development of an individual style in each child through carefully structured stages. The scheme fully covers the technical aspects of writing: letter formation, basic joins, printing, speed writing and slant. Nelson handwriting progresses from pre-writing patterns through to the development of an individual style. Through Nelson Handwriting, handwriting is taught in a consistent way. From the earliest stages, children develop fine motor skills when they pick up writing tools and make marks on paper. Good writing habits, and pencil hold and formation are important parts of this process. We reinforce the ‘tripod’ grip through modelling and correction where necessary.