OpenCheck for Parents
OpenCheck allows you to check the status of your children’s school on any given day. This easy-to-use service presents information regarding school closures in case of emergency, severe weather or any news which may affect children’s ability to attend or access the school. It also allows you to check scheduled school closures and term dates. The service is free to use to both schools and parents, and can be accessed via the web or by telephone.
OpenCheck is also available via ParentComms: a mobile app available for all smart phones, ensuring that parents and carers have a choice of options on how to be kept up to date.
To use the telephone service available to London Grid for Learning schools, please call 020 8408 7508 and enter the school’s seven-digit DFE code- 3182018.
Please click here if you need to check the status of the school on the OpenCheck site on London Grid for Learning. This will provide you with information you need about school closures, for example if there is an emergency or severe weather.
Taking the Decision to Close the School
The Headteacher, in consultation with other member of staff, will take the decision to make an emergency closure in the event of severe weather conditions or a public health incident (or other emergency situation). This decision will be made when the exceptional circumstances make it absolutely necessary in the best interests of the pupils and staff.
Communication Arrangements
In the event of any school closure at short notice we will:
- Contact class reps for each class, who will notify all parents via the agreed communication channels
- Update the school website as soon as is reasonably possible
- Send communications out to the school community via ParentMail
Parents are not permitted to collect children other than their own unless the school office has been contacted by the child's parents to confirm this.