Governing Body Register of Interests as declared September 2023 of all Governing Body membership within last 12 months.

Updated January 2024:


Yervand Sarkisyan

  • Governor category: Co-opted
  • Appointed by: Governors
  • Term of office: 21/10/2020-20/10/2024
  • Committees serving on: Quality and Standards
  • GB posts held: Quality and Standards
  • Other institutions serving on: none
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests: none

Caroline Green

  • Governor category: Parent governor
  • Appointed by: parents
  • Term of office: 06/02/2021-05/02/2025
  • Committees serving on: Finance & Premises (Chair)
  • GB posts held: Vice Chair of Governors; safeguarding / child protection; leadership and management governor
  • Other institutions serving on: Orleans Primary School Fund (Trustee)
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests: none
Philip Moshi
  • Governor category: Co-opted
  • Appointed by:  Governing Body
  • Term of office: 23 February 2022 - 22 February 2026
  • Committees serving on: Personnel, Children and Community, Quality & Standards
  • GB posts held: Behaviour and Attitudes governor
  • Other institutions serving on: 
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests:
Julia Shute
  • Governor category: Parent Governor
  • Appointed by:  Governing Body
  • Term of office: 22 March 2022 - 22 March 2026
  • Committees serving on: Quality and Standards (Chair)
  • GB posts held: Broad and Balanced Curriculum governor
  • Other institutions serving on: None
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests: Personal friendship with Deputy Head as children are in the same year at school.
Dinaz Zaq
  • Governor category: Co-opted
  • Appointed by:  Governing Body
  • Term of office: 19 April 2022 - 19 April 2026
  • Committees serving on: Finance and Premises
  • GB posts held: Health & Safety governor
  • Other institutions serving on: None
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests: Director at Revenue Pricing Consultants Ltd

Rosalind Orchard

  • Governor category: Co-opted governor
  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Term of office: 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2027
  • Committees serving on: Personnel, Children and Community 
  • GB posts held: Early Years Governor (EYFS)
  • Other institutions serving on: None
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests: None

Phoebe DuParq

  • Governor category: Headteacher
  • Appointed by: N/A
  • Term of office: From 1 January 2022 (ex-officio)
  • Committees serving on: All
  • GB posts held: N/A
  • Other institutions serving on: 
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests: 

Loretta Lau

  • Governor Category: Staff Governor 
  • Appointed by: staff
  • Term of office: 10 November 2022 - 9 November 2026
  • Committees serving on: FGB
  • GB posts held: Staff Governor
  • Other institutions serving on: 
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests:

Simonti Basu 

  • Governor Co-opted Governor 
  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Term of office: 18 October 2023 - 17 October 2027
  • Committees serving on: FGB, F&P
  • GB posts held: 
  • Other institutions serving on: NONE
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests: NONE

Zenab Barry 

  • Governor Co-opted Governor 
  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Term of office: 18 October 2023 - 17 October 2027
  • Committees serving on: FGB, PC&C
  • GB posts held: 
  • Other institutions serving on: 
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests:

Rob Long 

  • Governor Co-opted Governor 
  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Term of office: 18 October 2023 - 17 October 2027
  • Committees serving on: FGB, Q&S
  • GB posts held: 
  • Other institutions serving on: 
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests:

Alex Jones

  • Governor category: Deputy Headteacher
  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Term of office: 19 October 2022 - 18 October 2026
  • Committees serving on: Full governing body
  • GB posts held: N/A
  • Other institutions serving on: 
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests: 

    Zoe  Lane
  • Governor Category: Co-opted
  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Term of office: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2027
  • Committees serving on: Personnel, Children and Community 
  • GB posts held: N/A
  • Other institutions serving on: N/A
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests: N/A
  • Helen  Tonge
  • Governor Category: Associate Member
  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Term of office: 22/05/2024 - 23/05/2028
  • Committees serving on: Quality & Standards
  • GB posts held: N/A
  • Other institutions serving on: TBC
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests: TBC

Governors Served in Last 12 months

Alex Axiom

  • Governor Category: Co-opted (previously Chair)
  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Term of office: 16/10/2023 - 31/12/2023
  • Committees serving on: Personnel, Children and Community (Chair)
  • GB posts held: Chair of Governors; Safeguarding and Child Protection Governor; SMSC
  • Other institutions serving on: Orleans Primary School Fund (Trustee); Orleans Park School (Governor); 
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests: Chartwell House Service Company (Director); Paddock Street Holdings (Director); Pigeon Warrington (Director)

Tony Thamia 

  • Governor Category: Local Authority Governor 
  • Appointed by: Governors (nominated by LA)
  • Term of office: 18 October 2023 - 7 February 2024
  • Committees serving on: FGB, Q&S, PC&C
  • GB posts held: 
  • Other institutions serving on: 
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests:
Mark McKiernan
  • Governor category: Associate member
  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Term of office: 22/03/2021-18/12/2023
  • Committees serving on: Quality & Standards 
  • GB posts held: Inclusion/Diminishing the Difference; Mini Audit 
  • Other institutions serving on: none
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests: Employee of the Department for Education - part of the Regional School Commissioner for South East and South London team. Duties include supporting LA maintained schools to become academies but does not work with schools in Richmond LA area.

Anthony Bendelow

  • Governor category: LA Governor
  • Appointed by: Governors (nominated by LA)
  • Term of office: 1/09/2019-21/07/2023
  • Committees serving on: Personnel, Children and Community, Quality and Standards
  • GB posts held: Writing Governor
  • Other institutions serving on: none
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary interests: none

Alan Watkinson

  • Governor category: Co-opted
  • Appointed by: Governing Body
  • Term of office: 18/07/2018-17/07/2022 and 18/07/2022 - 18/07/2023
  • Committees serving on: Finance and Premises
  • GB posts held: Reading Governor
  • Other institutions serving on: Association for Physical Education; Youth Sport Trust;
  • Relevant personal or pecuniary Interests: PE and Sport Provider - extra-curricular sports clubs, coaching, physical education, well-being support and CPD


Orleans Primary School, Hartington Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 3EN