How Orleans Primary promotes British Values
The Government and Ofsted set out expectations which complement our aims and ethos at Orleans Primary. British Values can play an important role in education and how well a school promotes such values is an aspect of Ofsted’s inspection process.
British Values are promoted in so much of what we do at Orleans Primary, not least during our school assemblies, Cultures and Faiths lessons and PSHE sessions. Our school vision and our values underpin what we aim to achieve as a school for all our pupils. Our curriculum and our extracurricular activities provide rich and challenging learning experiences which develop many different skills and abilities for children throughout their time at our school and beyond into their future as citizens to prepare them for life in our wonderfully diverse world.
As a staff, we believe that our revised whole school curriculum as part of the DFE (Department for Education) requirements for September 2014 meets the DFE requirements for schools to ‘promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with faiths and beliefs’. Embedded into our school ethos, we actively encourage our whole school community to respect other people with particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010.
Our curriculum promotes respect, tolerance and diversity. Children are encouraged to express themselves through debates, discussions and consultations. The RE, PSHE and SMSC provision is embedded across the curriculum, in assemblies and through displays across the school.
Orleans Primary School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its children. As a school, we recognise that safeguarding and the Prevent Duty is no different from safeguarding against any other vulnerability. At our school, all staff are expected to uphold and promote the fundamental principles of British Values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and understanding of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Pupils and parents have many opportunities for their voices to be heard at Orleans Primary. We value pupils' opinions and one example of this is through surveys which we carry out each half-term with all the classes; Transition, Staying Safe, Behaviour, Friends, Home Learning and The School Environment. The results of these surveys are published and help inform the Senior Leadership how children view aspects of the school, enabling them to plan to further improve school life. The parents receive a survey at the end of each academic year, which provides the school with valuable comments and feedback. The Senior Leadership team scrutinises this data and makes changes to practice where necessary.
Examples of how we promote British Values in our School Community…
For Pupils |
For the Wider Community |
Pupil Voice – Junior Leadership Team, School Council, House and Vice Captains, Junior Safety Officers, Library Monitors, Playground Leaders: Promotion of democratic processes, fostering the concept and application of freedom of speech and group action to address needs and concerns. Key to this is the concept of holding others to account, including those in positions of authority and influence. Pupil Surveys – Staying Safe, Friendship, Behaviour, Transition, Learning Environment, Teaching and Learning |
Behaviour Policy, Assemblies reinforcing school rules and our values and the reason for them, links with the community police, working with the local authority, |
Pupils making choices within the safe and secure school environment, children having time to reflect upon their individual choices. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their individual rights and responsibilities and advised how to use these safely, such as e-safety PSHE sessions, anti-bullying week |
As a school with a very strong and embedded set of school values, our children learn that their behaviours have an effect on the rights of others and all members of our school community treat each other with respect. Celebrate the achievements of all pupils. Physical Education: promotion of the concept of 'fair play', following and developing rules, inclusion, celebrating and rewarding success, being magnanimous in defeat and participation in activities that promote kinship and affiliation with others. |
Celebrations of different faiths and cultural beliefs, inviting members of the school community to share their knowledge to enhance learning within the class in school, visits to and from different religious groups. Religious Education: Gaining a greater understanding of religious diversity and practices, which covers key religions represented in the UK. Planning for the subject is directed by the 'Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) - Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education'. |