At Orleans Primary School, it is our aim that all of our pupils achieve their full potential throughout their time at our school. We believe that pupils need to attend school every day to give each of them the chance to take advantage of the educational opportunities we offer. We strive to work with both parents, pupils and where appropriate the Educational Welfare Service to achieve every pupil’s best attendance throughout each academic year.
When children miss days at school they are missing out on the broad and balanced curriculum we have at our school and they are missing out on time with their friends at playtime and lunchtime; this is important for developing their social skills as they move through the school.
Ultimately, missing lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind; research demonstrates that children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school. It is our expectation at Orleans Primary School that pupils will achieve an attendance of at least 95% each year.
The photos our children have chosen for this page demonstrate some of the huge range of learning opportunities which take place in school.
Working together
Taking part in a visiting theatre company
Working hard on our writing
Visiting our forest school
Taking part in discussions
Learning about printing in art
We do realise that absences due to illness or medical matters can be unavoidable and school is not the place for a child to be if they are unwell. If your child is not going to be coming into school we ask you to report their absence as soon as possible by calling the office on 0208 892 1654 and leave a voicemail. Alternatively, you can email the school office Your voicemail/email must include your child’s full name and class, and detailed reason for absence, as we record all reasons for absence on our school registers.
Holidays during term-time - Parents must avoid booking family holidays during term time. The pupils have 13 weeks holiday each year and the expectation is that family holidays will be booked during these times. Pupils who miss weeks of school due to a holiday being taken during term time lose out on key aspects of the planned learning. It is our policy that class teachers do not set ‘catch up’ work for pupils to take on holiday.
Lateness - Good time keeping is an important life skill. It is the expectation at our school that all pupils, including those who attend the Nursery, are in school on time every day. If a child is not present at the start of the day, they can miss the input for the lesson as well as disrupting the lesson for others, as the teacher has to explain what the class are doing to the child who arrives late. The self-esteem of the pupil can also be affected as all their peers notice their late entry into the classroom. If, within a half term, a child is late more than once a week a letter will be sent home explaining the problems which lateness can cause and asking parents to ensure their child is in school on time. The expectation is that punctuality will improve rapidly after the initial lateness letter is sent. If however, it continues then the Headteacher will request a meeting with the parents to identify ways of ensuring the child is in school on time, every day. If the lateness continues then a referral will be made to the Educational Welfare Officer.
Where a child’s level or pattern of absences becomes a concern, we will discuss this with the parent or carer and may involve the services of our Educational Welfare Officer to help improve the situation.